Mettler Toledo Ps60 Usb Driver Download

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PS60 Scale (150lb / 60kg Capacity). Downloads - PS60 Scale (150lb / 60kg Capacity). Or you can call METTLER TOLEDO Technical Assistance. We are running QuickBooks 2006 Professional and ShipRush for FedEx and UPS in a multi-user environment and we just received a Mettler Toledo PS60 scale and have it attached via the USB cable and are having random issues where the ShipRush program will populate the weight field with a random negative number that has no relevance to the weight.

Ahh... We ran into this issue with a similar PS-Series Toledo scale a while back. As I recall, it was a setting that had to be changed on the scale so that it sent the data in the format that our shipping application was looking for.


Usb Driver Download Free

That may (or may not be) your issue here. Have you looked over any of the Mettler-Toledo troubleshooting documentation? Let me see... Try to check the 'Proto' setting depicted on page 37 of this guide:

I'm assuming it needs to be set to Fedex. There are probably some other settings you'll want to confirm there as well, as the FedEx software may be expecting a different baud rate and different data bit/parity/stop bit settings than what the defaults are.

Mettler Toledo Usb Scale Driver

Failing that, are you able to switch it over to serial instead of USB? Page 53 describes a good way to test the serial communication using terminal emulation software like HyperTerminal/PuTTY, etc.